Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Ben just turned 7. He's been spending his time lately scouring the christmas ads for Mario games, so he can cut them out and add them to his Mario world he has created in an empty bucket. What to say about Ben? Just a hilarious, wacky kid who walks to the beat of his own drummer. He recently finished his musical theatre class. If I can figure out how to upload the video to my computer, I'll post the performance here. He is also playing flag football. He loves it! He even made a touch down a few weeks ago. He's a super-fast runner and no-one could touch him. Okay, so he ran the wrong way and made a touch-down for the other team, but hey, it was still a touchdown!
12/14/07- we finally bought a fake tree. it isn't decorated yet, but it's up. yesterday ben yells out "there's a present under the tree, mom, come look!" i walked over to the tree, and there was ben, his big body curled up as tight as possible, under the tree. silly kid...

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