Tuesday, September 2, 2008

anxiously engaged

So, some of you know that I've been working on a new business. My designer swore me to secrecy (i guess people steal good ideas all the time in this business), but since the site should be going up by Friday (cross your fingers), I think it's safe. Since June, I've been working, along with my awesome designer, on a new wedding planning website for LDS couples called "Anxiously Engaged": www.anxiously-engaged.com . It has been hard work, and a frustrating, stressful process, but hopefully, it will be successful. You can check out the "in progress" page now, and should be able to see the beautiful site in it's entirety no later than Saturday, Sept 6th. You can also check out the blog: http://www.anxiouslyengaged.wordpress.com/ . If you know anyone who is in a wedding business, or would want to advertise to lds engaged couples, feel free to send them there. Once it's up, any amount of traffic would be appreciated! I'm just happy it's almost done, as is Brandon, since it's kinda controlled my life since the idea first popped in my head. I'm gonna let it take root, and hopefully pay off the cost of the website, and then start over with a new website that is creating itself in my head. (that one you'll have to wait for details on...)

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