Friday, April 3, 2009

I'm lazy..I admit it

so, I'm a horrible blogger. kinda weird, cuz i thought i'd be into it. i love to write (although, you'll notice i hate using the caps key) and we have plenty of funny stuff occuring in our house on a daily, if not minute-ly basis. if i could just get my facebook status to post on my blog, we'd be in business. it's not that i don't care, or don't want to let everyone know all the fun stuff going on in our lives, it's just that..well, i'm lazy. there ya go..i admit it. for years i liked saying i was a procrastinator, and i'm a self-proclaimed horrible housekeeper, i've blamed it on my social axiety, my depression (which really, both can be valid reasons), and most of the time i like to say it's because i'm busy. and i really am! no, really! but here i am with a week gone by where i only edited a handful of shots from the 2 weddings awaiting editing, and i can't really use that excuse anymore. somehow i find time to play 3 games of scrabble on facebook, but don't even put away my groceries. no really! i put away the cold stuff, and all the shelf stuff stays in grocery bags on the floor in our dining area. i'd like to think it's because of lack of shelf space (our pantry is our bedroom closet at the moment), but really..i could find room. typically i get home from shopping at lunch time and am so starving i make myself food while i put away the cold stuff, then after lunch when i should be putting it away, i try to indulge in a nap..or a facebook scrabble game, and it just doesn't get done. so there it is..i'm lazy and i admit it. i just have other stuff i'd rather do. so, this is a weakness of mine, i've now owned it, acknowledged that i have a problem, but i'm not ready to work on it. i'm too tired and busy to try to improve myself right now, i'll do it some other time.


Luann said...

Yes, Yes, and Yes. I am the exact same way. The house is trashed because I chose a nap and to play on the computer, and now I am going to play video games.

Kate said...

i told my dad that i was lazy today and he lovingly you're not lazy you are a busy mom, there is a difference. That goes more for you than me at the moment.

Harshes said...

I was shocked to see a new post! And then though "cool"...only to come here and see no new pics or fun stuff...oh I don't Isaac's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be lazy, but give us something! ;-)

the Marvelous Mrs. M said...

I agree with Katie, mom's aren't lazy- they're super busy- and just never have enough time in the day to accomplish EVERYTHING. I think that LDS women, especially, are too hard on themselves. If you feel like you're being lazy you're really probably successfully prioritizing what is most important- and for pregnant mommies- rest is way up there on the most important list! ;) Love ya Lyz!
PS -So excited to see how the pictures of the Henderson gang turned out! Thanks so much!

Melanie said...

I totally show off your photography website! I'd hardly call that lazy! But we love to hear about your daily adventures, too. :)